In 2018, Dr Richard Wright, School of Sport and Recreation at AUT Centre for Active Ageing, began evaluating the social outcomes and impacts attached to the use of HUNGERBALL® (Hia Pōro). With his paper now published, we’re excited to share his findings!
A lack of physical activity can lead to various illnesses and injuries, all of which come at a social and economic cost to New Zealand. The economic costs include the direct expenses associated with healthcare, such as hospital admissions and medical treatment (Ministry of Health, 2023).
Physical inactivity can also have a significant social impact on the well-being and quality of life of those living in New Zealand. The 2019 Active New Zealand Survey reported that only seven percent of children and young people aged 5–17 met the Ministry of Health guidelines of at least one hour of moderate to vigorous activity daily (Ministry of Health, 2023). More recently, a 2022 New Zealand Health Survey revealed that just over half of adults (51.9%) met physical activity guidelines, while 12.8% did little or no physical activity in 2021/22 (Ministry of Health, 2023).
HUNGERBALL® offers an engaging, enjoyable and enriching form of physical activity. Its ability to entertain and appeal to people of all ages and social backgrounds is arguably its biggest strength, whilst its founder’s passion, perseverance, positivity, and proactivity are a close second.
All four overlapping indicators were found to be authentic and appropriate means to assess the social outcomes and impacts of HUNGERBALL®. Moreover, the findings from the stakeholder analysis suggest that the social returns associated with HUNGERBALL® significantly outweigh the socio-economic costs.
HUNGERBALL® can create a positive culture amongst a school class/cohort or within a local sports club environment. It can also be used by teachers/coaches to educate their students/players on the benefits of diversity, inclusivity and being “a good sport”.
Furthermore, the game’s facilitators can enforce fair play’s virtues and values. In doing so, HUNGERBALL® can help teachers to alleviate the aforementioned anti-social behaviour found within most, if not all, schools.
The next stage of the SROI analysis will focus on testing the Logic Model created from the HUNGERBALL® stakeholder analysis presented within the report, allowing the team to place an accurate dollar value on the impact of the social enterprise. Five social outcomes need to be mapped and measured, ideally over a sustained period (3-5 years).